Startseite 5 Services 5 Mobile suction 5 Special mobile units

XP Air

This machine is designed to suck back, reclaim and recycle non-expendable abrasives as well as the blasted off impurities.

In principle, this machine can process all commercially sold abrasives. Before using this machine we recommend a consultation with either the machine manufacturer or the supplier of the abrasive.



This combined mobile „MAL KOMBI Air XP“ abrasive reclaim and separation unit is built in sections in order to be portable by helicopters. In order not to need heavy lift helicopters for high altitude transports, no section exceeds the weight of 800 kg.

Recycling of winter road grit

This machine is designed to suck back and process winter road grit for re-use


The winter road grit is collected by road sweepers and transported to a holding area. From there the contaminated winter road grit is either manually or via optional available riddle automatically sucked into the system and cleaned. The cleaned winter road grit is then discharged via conveyor belt. The impurities are discharged in different fractions in suitable containers.

Blasting container

During transport, all for the operation necessary components can be stored inside the container. As a result, flexible usage of the blasting container is possible. For loading and unloading of the container four support legs incorporating hydraulic cylinders are folded out.
The hydraulic cylinders allow lowering or lifting of the blasting container. For handling the blasting container on site, this feature is absolutely necessary. For the operation, blast vessels and the dust collector are unloaded from the container and placed on the designated positions alongside the blasting container.

Optionally a steel canopy can be folded out in order not to expose machinery to uncertain weather conditions. Tension locks retain this canopy.


Everywhere, where compressed open air blasting is applicable.

The mobility results in shorter job site installations, shorter down times of machinery during plant rehabilitation, which finally leads to a bid advantage of the contractor. The main applications are power plant rehabilitation, steel constructions and as a completion for stationary blasting halls.