Durch das Klimagerät bzw. den Ventilator wird der beim Lackiervorgang entstehende Farbnebel über eine Farbnebelabsaugwand mit Trockenfilter abgesaugt. Die farbnebelhältige Abluft wird mit Kartonfaltenfilter und/oder Kunststofffiltermatten, die in der Absaugwand montiert sind, vom Farbnebel gereinigt. Die lösungsmittelhältige Abluft wird über eine Rohrleitung an die Atmosphäre abgegeben.
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Hammer-type crusher
Kinetic beat- and bounce crushing of various ground products.
In a metallic chamber a rotor with reinforced bearings rotates onto which outer circumference moveable steel-hammers are mounted on 3 shafts.
The rotor is driven by an 11 kW electric motor with belt drive. After entering the chamber, the ground material will be crushed by the rotating hammers as well as due the impact onto the wear resistant walls.
All war parts are machined from high-alloy and war resistant material. For easier handling, wheels and handles are mounted.
Soundproof booth
Reduction of the A-scaled measuring-surface sound pressure level to approx. 80 dB(A).
Base is the averaging of frequencies following DIN 45641 as well as DIN EN 3744 incorporating an enveloping surface.
As enveloping surface the wall of the soundproof booth is used, the measuring path is chosen in 1 m distance from the wall.
Drum drying
The drum drying equipment is integrated part of an existing drum cleaning facility. As first step, the residual water is extracted by under pressure. In the second working step the drum are dried using the waste heat of the rotary blower.
The process time for both working steps is 2 min/drum.